Today I am linking up with Five Minute Friday at The goal is to use the prompt she gives and simply write for five minutes on that topic. No editing or revising. Today's prompt is "Nothing". Here it goes.....
The world may make you believe you are nothing. That what
you do doesn’t matter. If you are not doing something big and noteworthy, you
are nothing.
God says you need to believe that you are something.
Something big to Him. Everything you do matters to Him. Your thoughts and your
actions. He cares about you.
He cares for you when you are simply reading a book to your
kids, He cares for you when you are stuck in traffic and He cares for you when
you are volunteering at a soup kitchen.
Believe that He cares and that you are something BIG to Him.
Do not believe you are nothing. It’s so not true. You are