This is a picture of a liluga I recently made, photographed, and then cut and paste onto a picture of my balcony during a snowstorm. Kind of fun, isn't it?
Do you ever want to “cut and paste” yourself somewhere
else? I could easily cut and paste
myself on warm sandy beach right now. In the picture I would be sitting on my lawn chair under a big umbrella, reading a book and sipping a big glass of iced tea. Oh, how I
would just love to go away for a week or two and sit by the ocean and relax. I could probably spend the whole
day staring out at the ocean. It sounds
so peaceful!
"Yes, each of you should remain as you were when God called you."
1 Corinthians 7:20
The reality is, I am stuck in Illinois. No cut and paste for me. So I remain and seek to do what God has planned for me. I recently made four new liluga's and gave one away to a friend from church who is going through a divorce. Life is never easy, but we, as Christians, can at least be there to encourage each other and to help each other out. Praise God we can do that wherever we are located.
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